----- Original Message ----- From: Neil Faulkner N.Faulkner@tesco.net
At least fan art porn does not, insofar as the mechanics of its production are concerned, threaten or injure anyone (unless the artist sprains her wrist or something while drawing).
I've been trying to stay out of the porn thread, but I would like to take issue with this, Neil. It may not physically injure or threaten anyone, but earlier in the thread a lot of people pointed out that at least some of the actors were uncomfortable, if not upset, at their likenesses being used in this way without their consent or, in some cases, knowledge. Isn't this a kind of emotional violation?
I've also seen some (admittedly only a few, *but*) fan porn stories which I would say excuse, or even romanticise, rape. Which as a woman, if not a feminist, I find somewhat disturbing.
You can argue that this is only the extreme fringe-- but I think this is the fan porn equivalent of the "genuinely nasty stuff" you referred to, Neil, and it's worrying.
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