I don't really want to stop the show, but I thought you might like to know...(this is from a computer newsletter called Lockergnome Windows Digest, http://www.lockergnome.com
<> WinPenguins v0.4 [138k] W9x/NT/2k FREE
http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/winpenguins/winpenguins-source-0.4.zip http://winpenguins.sourceforge.net/ http://screenshot.lockergnome.com/winpenguins.png
{Penguins all over your desktop} Look at your monitor. What's missing? Right, penguins. And left penguins. And penguins left and right. Penguins galore, I tells ya. For those of you who remember XPenguins, this is a rewrite of that classic screen toy. Launch this baby bird and watch 'em crawl across your open windows, flutter about, and make your computer come alive. The point? It just looks really cool. Anyway, have you hugged your penguin today? I'd give them names, but they all look the same to me. You've seen one, you've seen a million of 'em.