How come the three Federation ships could ignore the magnetic barrier? (Or did the 'nothing else in contact range' mean that there was no other ship which had been demagnetised/had crew with the authority to know about the mineral being mined?)
Can one presume that Horizon was discovered (usual proviso - the inhabitants already knew it was there) by the Federation when the extragalactic barrier reached to that point on the 'galactic skyline' - the mine-layers would loop out from the centre and back. I presume this happened 5-10 years ago - Ro is relatively young, and if he had been ruler long he would have been married. It would have to be a relatively recent contact - even if the dress were purely ceremonial, Ro knew how to use the dart blower with ease.
For those with an hour change tonight - the mnemonic is 'spring forward, fall backwards.'
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