Annie wrote:
Frankly, most gay writing written by and for gay men focuses *solely* on the sex
You've only been reading the porn then. Plenty of writing by and for gay men deals with other aspects of life (even though they may write about sex as well). Derek Jarman, Armistead Maupin, Quentin Crisp, whoever it was who wrote "Bent," Russell T. Davies and Matt Jones (who wrote Doctor Who novels with interesting and subtle gay male characters as well as Queer As Folk)... Peter Tatchell, too, if you count nonfiction.
much like porno films that are made mainly for the male market focus solely on visual images and the sex act.
And porn made for the female market doesn't? What about PWP slash?
Slash written by women tends to be much more romantic in nature.
Not always.
So, when folks say that slash isn't what gay sex is "really" like, I have to laugh.
No, but gay porn isn't much like what gay sex is like either. We don't all go out shagging anything with muscles, you know. But at the same time even the "romantic" aspects of gay life aren't much like slash.
It isn't what gay men like to write and read about, it's true. Who cares? It isn't written *for them*. It is written mostly by and for women.
So you're saying slash has no merit other than as something to titillate women? Perhaps the sort you like to read, but, in case you haven't been reading posts lately, a lot of people have been talking about political slash stories (Dana for instance). Shouldn't they be read by gay men too? Or do you want to keep slash your own private club?
And I have been happily partnered with another woman for almost 12 years now...
Which makes your frankly homophobic description of gay men above all the more disturbing.
I still like, read and write slash stories, mostly m/m.
And yet you say you're not interested in what a gay male relationship is really like. This sounds a bit like those straight men who watch "lesbian" porn movies.
As for the person who pointed out that homophobia has "reared" its head around here. Yes, it has. I take a great deal of exception to being told that reading about two people making love is just as morally reprehensible as massacre. There's something very sick about a religion or a person who would believe that.
And yet you, by your own admission, twist gay male relationships into something solely for your own titillation. I don't agree with Kathryn and Elynne's religious beliefs but at least they've come out and been up front about them instead of hiding behind a pretense of being liberal. And IMO it's more than a little offensive to call _anyone_ sick.
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