From: Fiona Moore
Plenty of reasons to go for slash, really. If anything it's amazing het gets a look in.
OTOH, some of those could be good reasons to go for *het,* too; esp. re non-development of sexual relationships, subversion of genre conventions-- I'd argue that a male-male relationship may not be the best way to feminise
action-adventure genre, and in fact may even *reinforce* the inherent masculinity of the genre, by failing to allow for a female voice within it and reinforcing the stereotype of action-adventure being a boys-only game (albeit one with sex in).
Slashing the characters feminises the characters, not the genre, in my experience. The inherent masculinity might be reinforced but it is also altered. And it's sex, not action-adventure, that becomes a boys-only game, and one with precious little action-adventure in it.
Almost as if rebellion or revolution were perceived to be mutually incompatible with sexual relations. I detect the implication that anything outside relationships is seen to be somehow asexual and sterile or even antisexual, whi strikes me as depressingly reactionary.