From: Subject: RE: Fwd: [B7L] Re: Avon and Gan (was Dinosaurs)
Avon's comment in Aftermath about meeting Servalan being the most improbable
event he would expect, so it happened (I am paraphrasing I know)
SERVALAN: You don't sound surprised. AVON: Why should I be? It has a perverse kind of logic to it. Our meeting is the most unlikely happening I could imagine. Therefore we meet. Surprise seems inappropriate somehow.
Avon must still be recovering from his injuries. There are far more improbable things I could imagine here...
Every grain of sand on the beach could instantly transform into cucumber blancmange and begin a song and dance routine.
Avon could have been spontaneously coated in barnacle-proof paint (and therefore not need to spend the years after Gauda Prime having barnacles scraped from his bottom).
I'm sure everyone would agree that this is a novel explanation for Avon's increasingly erratic behaviour in the fourth series - a missing episode - "Barnacles"
'I now wield infinite sadness, dark bitterness and advanced technology all to my own greater glory. I have joined the forces of evil and lead in their dark crusade.'