Just been watching The Web. This episode has a lot of problems. It strikes me as if someone came up with the plot, they got the costumes and the base together and forgot all about dialogue until the last minute and then just wrote it really quickly. The decimas are OK as aliens as are the two humanoids defrending the base.
The last of the Lost is a really naff special effect, but I don't care about that; it works for what it is meant to be. As I said, my main problem is the lack of any good dialogue. This epsidoe is noted for its Avon-Blake interaction and has been used by many to hint at a closer realtionship between the two, but though the actions portray trust and comradeship, the dialogue doesn't. Even the last scene talking about change and so on had none of the hallmarks of later conversations between the two.
I've always thought it a dull episode, but on re-watching I see, with a bit more thought and work, it had the potential to be up there among the best. The basis was a good idea. Research to modify people genetically accidentally creates a new race of thinking beings. Blake put in a dilemma of giving them the power to save the Liberator also gives them the power to destroy the decimas. Avon is typically very clear and can't understand Blake's reluctance. All good stuff. An opportunity wasted.
-- cheers Steve Rogerson http://homepages.poptel.org.uk/steve.rogerson
Redemption 03, 21-23 February 2003, Ashford, Kent Celebrating 25 years of Blake's 7 and 10 years of Babylon 5 http://www.smof.com/redemption