At 07:56 26-3-01 +1000, Kathryn Andersen wrote:
I'm not going to lie. I'm not going to pretend to be someone or something other than I am.
I don't recall asking you to. It's the casual insult (which you perhaps didn't even see as an insult) that got to me.
That would be like asking Shane to pretend he wasn't gay, and to demand that he stop talking about the gay point of view.
I haven't been reading his messages lately, but has he ever been insulting people or tsk-ing at them for not being gay? Because that's what you have been doing at those who *are* gay.
And yes, I knew your views. But I thought you respected my feelings and those of others like me on this list at least enough to refrain from insulting us. It was quite a shock to be proven wrong in this manner.