Neil said:
IOW, never mind the nutritional value, just enjoy the taste. Slash - the chocolate eclair of fanfic!
Lovely! Can I use that as a blurb?
I used to think that the SF/F milieu might be the prime factor permitting the slashing of such series of B7, ST, and the like. That is, that a setting removed from the real world would facilitate the consideration of relationships that would not normally be considered as a serious
in the real world. But the slashing of mundane shows like The Professionals, Starsky and Hutch, and even Inspector Morse, rather knocks that one out of the window.
I'm beginning to think that the major requisite for slashing a domain is N hot guys greater than or equal to 2, or possibly one really hot guy and lots of OCs. I'm still trying to understand why there seems to be so much more slash than hetsmut.
Was ST the first show (SF/F or otherwise) to be slashed? Was it, indeed, the first show to generate a body of fanfic? (Fanfic of a kind goes back
least to Sherlock Holmes, I think I've heard it said, long before television.)
The spread of fanfic depends on...wait for it...the means of production. It's tough but possible to circulate typescripts, easier if someone has a mimeograph machine, and lots easier with copiers, duplicators, and the Web.
<Mr Bronson>And for some of us, Dana, Blake's 7 is *not* fantasy, but occupies a locus on the SF/F continuum which resides towards the end we
SF. </Mr Bronson>
In which case I'm sorry, considering how crap most of the science is.