At 21:24 8-4-01 -0700, Mistral wrote:
Jacqueline, Joanne:
Avon: Alan Rickman.
<evil grin> Oh dear, Mistral will be drowning us in drool at any moment!
Drool? Me? No, no, no - we speak of the Alan Rickman in the hushed tones of reverence; no drooling allowed.
Well, I was thinking: "Which actor is really good at sarcastic, snarky and giving a general impression of only going humoring the idiot he happens to be following around." No other actor seemed to qualify nearly as well.
I have been sitting here admiring Jacqueline's inspired casting of Linda Hamilton as Blake;
<bows> Thank you.
and I'd really like Cher as Cally, as well.
I notice we're still lacking a Soolin, however, so I nominate Lisa Howard.
Yes! Absolutely perfect. I also really like Dana's idea of Christina Ricci as Servalan, but isn't she just a bit too young to carry it off? The glamour part, that is, she can do the rest of it in her sleep. Hmm, maybe she could be Servalan's upstart daughter.
And why, pray tell Jacqueline, didn't you make room for James Marsters in there somewhere? For shame.
Oops. Erm, well, we could make Carnell a regular. James Marsters would do wonderful things with that character.