From: Ellynne G.
Cally, who comes from a world that relies completely on artificial reproduction, could actually have some biologic (whether artificial in origin or not) protection. I mean, there hasn't been a child on Auron born outside a natural womb (wait, being taken outside the artificial womg would _be_ being born . . . ) in about a generation. Although, they seem a reasonable enough people to have some kind of back up for emergencies. So, I'd guess Cally is normally (for lack of a better word) sterile without articial intervention, but that intervention is probably not too complex (injection of a single [but unlikely to be encountered by accident] chemical or some such).
In my own altercanon, cloned Auronar are indeed sterile, but this is all part of a sinister government ploy to separate the fully psionic 'Frants' from the proto-psionic 'Naturals'. Social engineering at its most blatant. I've even hinted that clone might be haploid, with only half the full set of chromosomes, but I'm not sure if that's biologically feasible. Though apparently it works for frogs.