Tavia said:
I'd hate to get back in the US politics rant, but as a (politically naive) outsider, it seems to me that Clinton would be a case in point -- a leader with charisma and at least some good policies, discussion of whose merits currently appears to be limited to his sexual proclivities.
Well, Clinton cleverly managed to shift the discussion to his personal honesty and integrity in office.
I feel I ought to stand up in support of Dana's exceptionally wide-ranging B7 fiction output, which certainly doesn't all fall into the gay soap
genre. Unfortunately I can't give examples without revealing her pseud.
Tavia: thank you for the support and also for being conscientious about protecting pseuds. Although some pseuds really are secret because of potential harm to the writer (think of the havoc that would be caused if it were well known that EmmaPeel is actually a highly placed official in the Servalan administration, for instance!) I am not a particularly respectable person and therefore it is not a secret that anyone who wants to sample my fiction writing can do so by looking under the name of Executrix... (and can do so by buying a copy of ttba, BTW). I've been writing fanfic for about a year now, and I would assign my entire output to "queer resistant readings," even though not ALL of it is soap opera (gay or otherwise).