"The scene I'm thinking of is the bit where he and the crew stage the
gunfight to bring her out into the open. She comes out, he grabs hold of her and, possibly by accident but it does happen, grabs her breast"
I've seen that...and then there's the one where cally in the Orac episode I think, helps Jenna to her cabin after she's half collapsed in the corridor...the hand unwittingly grabs the breast...
also a scene which cracks me up...on Gold. when Avon first arrives on the ship space princess and they head off to Keelers office a female pasenger wearing a skimpy blue braless number walks towards avon and soolin. watch where Paul darrows eyes go...with a very big grin on his face. as any man would...:) nathan.
A 'strange coincidence', to use a phrase/ By which such things are settled nowadays. Byron.
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