- How big is a dome--would it be the equivalent of, e.g.,
a city block, The City of London, London, or England? I imagine it must be fairly small--in The Way Back, you can see the light bulb shining through the little bitty windows cut in the styrofoam, the way you can in a building as you walk past.
Ignoring prop constraints, doesn't Avon say that he had to go across 'half the city' to get his exit visa? I'd taken this to imply that the domes were each city-sized, with at least a million or so inhabitants, plus suitable supply industries.
- Which brings up the question of how many domes
there are, and whether separate countries are still recognized--i.e., I've made references to Englandome and Helveticadome but even if countries still exist there would probably be lots of domes per country.
Given that the type of war likely to have caused resort to dome living is also likely to have severely reduced the population I'd seen there being multiple but relatively few domes per country. The UK is likely to remain distinct from the rest of Europe. And doesn't someone refer to Governor Le Grande as being of the Outer Gaul region (VftP) ?
- How do people get around within a dome?
I know that personal transportation has been banned, but I can't believe that domes are small enough to walk from one end to the other.I assume something like trams or commuter trains.
You've convinced me. Overground or underground rail seems the most plausible, though I rather like the idea of gondola-type transport.... which would make sense if ground area was at a premium, while the majority of the dome volume above building height was empty.
Tavia http://www.viragene.com/