--- Mistral mistral@centurytel.net wrote: > Cheryl wrote:
I have wasted precious time, giving you all the benefit of the doubt, by posting enough posts, to be sure I actually was being ignored
Ah. Does that mean that all of us who read your posts were wasting our precious time?
Not at all, just as my reading all the posts I have read so far, have not been a waste of my time(and had I been less of a newcomer, I would have responded to so many more than I actually did, but I didn't want to come on too strong, when I hadn't actually been responded to yet.) Incidently, I only referred to it as a waste of time, because I had arrived at the conclusion(incorrectly, as it turns out and for which I have apologised)that I was being deliberately ignored.
I'd be surprised if anyone has been deliberately ignoring you. More likely it's just that nobody had anything in particular to say. Or quite possibly nobody wanted to enter into a debate with a newcomer - we were arguing, after all, and jumping on you might have been perceived as rude, too; 'me too' posts are rare and actually discouraged here - one generally gets an answer when someone either has something to add, or disagrees.
Point taken. However; I didn't take the many discussions on the varied topics as arguing. I took it more as a passel of differing opinions and beliefs, with everyone saying their piece, regardless of this; if I stick my nose into the middle of a tussle, I can hardly complain if it gets punched - The same applies in a war of words, I would have been okay with opposition to my thoughts - vehement or otherwise.
You people are exceptionally rude.
And in a fandom dominated by Avon groupies and/or sympathizers this surprises you why?
point 1) I now regret the above statement - I sometimes just say what is on my mind, (without the foresight to temper my words with tact) and that, is what was on my mind at that time.
point 2) It surprises me because Avon is a character and characters don't have to be as real as flesh and blood to be interesting - in fact, it is usually better if they are a little larger than life. However; it is not his rude/offhand manner which appeals to me, there have been times, when I have been annoyed with his pompous attitude - Just looking at Vila and not responding to his question, is one. However; when it comes to his sarcasm and wit I love him and this is something that Vila can respond to, if he so wishes, and has done so. Yet again, this is okay in a TV show, However; In RL, Avon wouldn't last two minutes in my company before I told him to bugger off (I think) :-)
OTOH, I could take the position that walking into a roomful of strangers who are sunk deep in conversation, and chewing them out for not conforming to your idea of good manners qualifies you to fit right in ;-)
LOL! I never looked at it this way - I guess you have a point. It all comes down to individual list etiquette, in my defense, the other lists to which I belong have all given welcomes and the newcomers initial post is always responded to - I guess, I took it as read that this applies everywhere and as it happens, I was mistaken, for which I do apologise.
Seriously, I have spoken to quite a few people who haven't remained on the Lyst for very long, because they didn't care for the atmosphere. I had a great deal of difficulty sticking out the first few months myself, until I'd built enough friendships to have some sense of belonging. It has been worth the effort; but not every person is going to fit into every group. (And if you think we're rude, you should take a peek at some of the Usenet groups.)
I will bear this in mind in future - believe it or not, now that I know that it is not an intentional thing - I have no problems with waiting until someone finds something interesting enough about my posts which would make them wish to respond.
So congratulate yourself. You've now had more welcome messages than most newbies get - past one or two is quite rare, as we try not to repeat ourselves (yes, shut up the rest of you lot, I know I'm not that good at it yet!) You've also left me quite vexed, as I've just realized that I've been here for not one, but _two_ of what I previously thought of as very satisfying years, and as far as I can recall, nobody has _ever_ welcomed me! <sob> <sulk> Waaah! I shall just go and have a good cry now...
Errr, welcome to the list :-)
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