Una wrote:
Appeared on one of my DS9 lists:
They also had a good piece in the local paper before the con. The sad thing, after seven Nexuses, this was the last one (or so they say). The good news is that it was a nice con, very relaxed and friendly. Gareth Thomas was there for his fourth convention in less than a year. He told me at the bar that he'll probably have a break from the convention circuit for a while now, but I suspect he'll be back eventually.
Sylvester McCoy was entertaining as usual and told us the story of how he nearly became a priest. Rene Auberjonois gave us a lesson on how to pronounce his name and said he only does charity cons these days.
Nexus had a good alternative programme too and I went to panels on will we all speak the same language in the 23rd century and what makes a revolution.
However, the event got off to a poor start on the Friday evening when we came second in the quiz thingy by one point despite doing really well on the questions. We lost out cos part of the quiz was to build a space station out of junk and ours was voted the worst by the panel, who weighted that item far too high. We reckon thet didn't give us enough points for the zero-grav sex laboratory or our AV presentation. Sulk.
I brought out my Sunnydale High costume for its second outing for the Saturday night fancy dress but surprisingly didn't win anything despite the pom-poms Rita made out of an old newspaper. The judges were biased again, this time in favour of far superior costumes.
Judith won just-a-minute on Sunday night, though I missed the end. Harriet and I wrote some limericks for the limerick competition. We didn't win but Rene read ours out on stage.
We took the 100th membership for Redemption, some six months earlier than the same point last time.
What else? We did a Wobblevision, this time run by Louise and Simon who now host it on their web site. The episode we chose was Warlord and I played Zeeona.
There's probably more that the others will fill in on.
-- cheers Steve Rogerson http://homepages.poptel.org.uk/steve.rogerson
Redemption 03, 21-23 February 2003, Ashford, Kent Celebrating 25 years of Blake's 7 and 10 years of Babylon 5 http://www.smof.com/redemption