In message, writes
Point two: taking it up for the sake of argument anyway, it's quite conceivable that if the character _had_ been a straight woman, there would have been a sexual undertone to her relationship with Blake. As it stood, however, it was two straight men, not a straight man and a straight woman.
Point one - I did not specify that Avon be played as a *straight* woman. Interesting how you assume that I did...
Point two - "It was two straight men, therefore it cannot possibly be a sexual relationship between them, therefore it was two straight men." This is called "arguing in a circle".
Point three - you may be gay or bi. That does not give you a monopoly on gaydar. Some of those who do see unresolved sexual tension between Blake and Avon (or any other B7 slash pairing, for that matter) are gay or bi - and some of them are as insistent that it's really there, as you are insistent that it's all in the imagination of slash fans.