From: Nico Mody-Nikoloff
Is it: Zonda, Keezarn, Kerril and Malodar as on Judith's site and in the Sevencycopaedia or: Zondar, Kezarn, Kerrill and Malodaar as I've seen elsewhere on the web and in some zines?
The final decisions on spelling in the Sevencyclopaedia were mainly taken by Judith Proctor, who tended to go with the versions used in the transcripts archived on various websites. By that time I was more or less sick of the whole process of getting the thing finished and said yes to virtually anything. FWIW, I prefer Zondar and Malodaar to their 7cyclo spellings, but go with Judith on Keezarn.
And does it matter?
Probably not. In 'Passable Features' I made sure that 'tarial' was never spelt the same way twice. As for Ker(r)il(l), I think the only thing that matters is getting the 'r's and the 'l's in the right order.
If you want to stay firmly in canon, then you're limited only by those characters whose names were listed in the end credits, and the handful of planets whose names appeared on star charts. Otherwise spell as thou wilt, so long as it sounds right.