NOTE: all quotes are from "The Complete Writer's Guide to Heroes and Heroines." I'm leaving a lot out - most of which applies, some of which doesn't. If you want the latter, well, buy the book. It's interesting. ;-) -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Tarrant is The Swashbuckler.
The SWASHBUCKLER is always on the go. His motto is 'Action, action and more action.' He is physical, daring and colorful."
"Impulsive and creative, this man lives for the next adventure. He is too restless for a boring desk job, too impetuous for long term commitments. But if his imagination is fired with stories of treasure and romance, he quickly joins the team and is an asset in any endeavor."
"This man leaps before he looks. Taking enormous risks to achieve his purpose, the SWASHBUCKLER keeps pushing forward even when everyone around him is fainting from exhaustion....His supreme confidence and joy of life allow him to escape any tragedy."
Under virtues:
"Fearless-the SWASHBUCKLER does not hesitate when faced with danger. He never freezes when confronted with a gun or runs away from an attacker."
"Capable-the SWASHBUCKLER provides a quick unconventional solution to any problem.....He is competent and skilled in any emergency."
Under flaws:
"Foolhardy-Imprudent in his boldness, he does not stop to weigh the danger before taking off for the next feat of derring-do."
Among the suggested occupations for the Swashbuckler are pilot and pirate. :-)
Susan Beth (