Fiona said:
Otherwise, they might just as well have put Zen down on the planet with him...
Now, that would certainly have roused the entire crew to cooperate to rescue Blake!
Not racism, surely? According to the episode "Traitor," there existed the "stock equalization act," a Federation law which ensured that when a
was colonized, each race from Earth had to be fully represented in order
give a complete racial mix.
Not too many people like to be referred to as equalized stock.
Furthermore, Dayna's skin colour is never commented on in a racist way (and seldom remarked upon at all) in the series; interestingly, though, I have seen this done in fanfic...
I don't know if the reference in Power ("the black woman must win") is a racist one or simply descriptive (along the lines of "give the secret message to the gal in the blue tunic")
But this does raise a more valid point about the series. If the Federation is homophobic, then, if Blake is gay, why is he not showing it? He hates
Federation, after all, and he is on his own ship, in the company of other people with an equal amount of contempt for the Federation.
But who have all been conditioned (particularly in the case of Blake, whose mind has been tampered with in many ways) to hate certain things about themselves and other people.