Kat wrote:
Una McCormack wrote:
I went through a period of using it as my preferred swear word (I think there was some good feminist reason but it's all a bit hazy now). It still works well as the best 'just stubbed my toe' expletive, but more generally these days I prefer the whimsy of 'arse' or 'pants'. Stephen Fry has had a dangerous effect on an entire generation.
Mine (for a while) was "bugger" because of Northey in Nancy Mitford's "Don't Tell Alfred" and her description of the lobsters making their way to freedom. I think that I didn't know what it meant in literal terms then but I do remember my Mum advising caution when I used it.
'Bugger' was my father's swear word of choice, lovingly handed on to me - pretty much my only heirloom ;)
ObB7: And why oh why didn't the Beeb cast Jackie Pearce as the Bolter in the recent remake of "Love In A Cold Climate/ Pursuit of Love"?
Oh my, wouldn't that have been *fabulous*! (Tho' Frances Barber was excellent.)
(Although why they had to remake it anyway, I really do not know.)
Is there another version?!? Tell!