On Mon, 5 Mar 2001, Ellynne G. wrote:
I find this result frankly incredible. Can you direct me to this article?
Sure, Iain. Just do what I do. Subscribe to several academic, on-line magazine services (ones that index actual, real, flesh and blood [figuratively speaking] periodicals). Type in various key word phrases, doing either a text or subject search, cross reference the material under the subject headings that appear for each article, and (if so inclined) double check both authors and the periodical for overall reliability (I tend to get a bit sloppy on this last, but [credible] peer review is an important part of the evaluation process).
What I do, when asked for a reference, is cite the reference.
If you don't care for the expense, I would suggest getting in contact with your nearest library (my first choice would be a university library with a good collection in areas such as psychology, law, and family sciences, but I realize not everyone can do that).
You seem unclear about what the domain .ac.uk indicates.
However, although several articles by different, credible sources should turn up on a text key word search, this one I was specifically refering to came up when I was cross referencing a few statements relating to a woman assigned to a government task force dealing with porn related crimes (it seemed interesting that one paper decided her marital status [single, no children] was of more importance [in their opinion] to whether she was qualified for the job than her 14 years of experience as a prosecutor).
You know, a single honest-to-God citation would have been a lot shorter, and a lot more useful.