Helen said:
"Tavia, the Federation citizen/chorus"-- works for me. What challenges does she face? What were her political feelings like a week before the story begins and what are they at the finish? Has the government been using her whiel keeping some secrets from her? (Seems like a common occurence in the B7 universe...
Inter alia
while I prefer Gen, if someone wants to write about Servalan's stuggle to rise to power, I can very well see that it might need to be Slash.
Which feeds into the question of patriarchy. I rather suspect that most of the people Servalan needed to step over in the rise to power would be male. "Gentlemen prefer blondes...but they promote brunettes"? "A kiss on the hand may be quite continental, but oak leaves are a girl's best friend"?
Re: Totally different comments on fanfic, writing the characters in a way that reflects the people on screen:
But if you ask me, food, clothes, and gossip are a lot more interesting
neutron blasters.
When your life may depend on whether the neutron blasters fire, then they become compellingly fascinating.
The combat experience has often been described as long stretches of boredom interrupted by moments of terror.
How can you write in a purely "verbal," communicating medium by being "non-verbal." It just doesn't work.
All right, words are our tools, but the maxim is "show don't tell" when using them.