On Sun, Mar 25, 2001 at 10:58:56AM -0700, Ellynne G. wrote:
On Sun, 25 Mar 2001 15:14:09 +0100 Jacqueline Thijsen jacqueline.lyst@jthijsen.demon.nl writes:
It's been rearing its ugly head again, and what makes it worse is that it's been brought up by people I used to like and respect.
Please stop it.
For the record, I don't have any uncontrollable fears of homosexuality. It exists and it happens. I also, last time I checked, strongly believe in the civil rights of all human beings and I'm not suggesting anyone be treated as less than a person for any reason. I'm also willing to fight for a person's right to be treated with respect regardless.
Yes, I also happen to disapprove of sex outside of marriage. I'm a conservatively religious person. The fact can be assumed in the absense of evidence to the contrary. I also would say that desires are one thing but we have choices how to act on them. I would also say that the choices we make are important in this life. They determine our happiness, if nothing else.
I'm also 1) not really expecting anyone to agree with me and 2) agreeing with you that this is probably not the place to discuss it. Actually, it seems to be one of those issues that _can't_ be discussed these days. I mean besides the fact that taking certain positions on it openly is not approved. To be on one side or the other is to accept certain ethical ideas that seem to speak foriegn languages. I don't think any of us know how to discuss them anymore, if we ever did.
What she said. (And we aren't even the same religion...)
I'm not going to lie. I'm not going to pretend to be someone or something other than I am. That would be like asking Shane to pretend he wasn't gay, and to demand that he stop talking about the gay point of view.
And no matter how upset anyone gets I'm not going to change my religion. However many names they start calling me. I'm sorry that Jacqueline is upset, but she already knew my point of view (I thought) and she is capable of ignoring it, just as I am capable of ignoring her sexual orientation when I talk to her as a nice, interesting intelligent human being. For goodness' sake, if I held everyone's sins against them, I wouldn't be able to talk to *anybody*! Our sins are between us and God (and those we have wronged). (An oversimplification, but...)
I could start raving on about religious tolerance, but I know that religious tolerance is a myth. It only applies to percieved minorities.
(As for masscres being as bad as gay sex... analogies are very crude things. I tried to pick an example that people would *understand*. Everyone agrees that massacres are wrong, that's why I picked it as an example of something wrong.)
One reason why slash discussion has been encouraged not to take place here, but on the Other List, is because it doesn't seem to be possible for people to dialogue happily about it. It is, as Ellynne said, like talking in a foriegn language -- nobody seems to understand what the other person is saying.
Kathryn Andersen -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- "It's a great pity that you and I have always been on opposite sides, Servalan." -- Kerr Avon (Blake's 7: Aftermath [C01])