Leah said -
Jesus said much more about adultery and fornication in general than he
ever expressed about homosexuality
Agreed, but I'd go more strongly than that, even. There is condemnation of betrayal of faithfulness, and condemnation of a system that prostitutes women, but I don't believe Jesus said anything at all (pro or anti) about 'homosexuality'. Jesus, at least as reported, stressed that social convention should take a second place to personal love ('if god brings two people together, then human beings should not keep them apart'), and that if a person condemns another person's sex life it is the *condemner* not the person condemned who is at fault.
In contrast to Louise I think beliefs which lack compassion can be criticised equally whether or not they are part and parcel of a religious world view, but in many cases they are imposed on that religion, rather than imposed by it IMHO.
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