"Fiona Moore" nydersdyner@yahoo.co.uk said: <snippo- intro> Say every month we pick a B7 episode, and people who feel like talking about it, do. People don't have to go away and watch it, just read the script or make a few comments on what they remember about it or whatever, but it provides a common discussion point and B7-related activity for the Lyst. At the end of the month, we move on to the next one. In addition, it could provide a useful source of episode reviews and essays for people's zines and websites. If a month is too long,we could always make it a weekly or fortnightly thing <snip>
Hi all, The residents of alt.fan.blakes-7 ng are already doing this. We are up to S-L-D atm, and watching one episode per fortnight. I guess the Lyst residents would rather start at TWB, however it may be interesting for some folks to look at the NG. David (gaudaprime) makes some interesting posts there... It is probably a daft idea, but would the Lyst wish to sync up with the NG..? Just a thought...*s*
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Kevin C McCully
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