From: Guy Kendall
Try the Sevencyclopaedia under 'Bracelets'
Thanks Neil - that's pretty comprehensive.
Oh, and given that I see you are the primary author of that work, I think "Try" really is *very* modest of you.
Although the 7cyclo was proofread by some very knowledgeable people, ninety-plus per cent of it comes from the notes I took during a prolonged period of unemployment. It's not infallible, as Harriet pointed out only last month, and a recent discussion on bodycounts showed that my own interpretations of particular incidents (inevitably) worm their way in. So I wouldn't say that the 7cyclo represents the ultimate definitive list of lost or damaged bracelets, since I might well have missed a few here and there. In fact, there is a major omission here - although I cite at least 11 bracelets being destroyed, that doesn't include all those that went up with the Liberator at the end of Terminal:)
Any errors, omissions etc (or indeed suggestions for additional entries) should be reported to Judith Proctor, since she and Richard maintain the online version.