I should say that most art we would see in the context of the series would
be 'office art'
But that's not really proper art at all.
Hmm, suppose Sarkoff's collection was merely a reflection of a wider upsurge of interest in things 20th Century. Perhaps then Servalan's office might have been decorated with one or more of the following: *mock-Tyrolean weather houses. *pictures of bug-eyed weepy kids *a flight of heavily overglazed ceramic ducks scooting up the wall *miniature toby jugs *heavily overglazed ceramic lighthouses with egg-timers featuring all the different colours of sand you get on the Isle of Wight *pewter wizards staring into not-terribly-lustrous glass balls *a Pingu *lava lamps *Boyzone posters *Pirelli calendars *an oversized photo collage of pictures of all her senior staff with embarrassing expressions or just generally undignified poses