Jacqui noted:
at least one other Ricardian belongs to the Lyst (Loyalty binds me) - I have my own ideas.
There are quite a few of us. I think it's a lost cause sort of thing. I had an idea that we could get a spaceship called White Surrey and fly it round doing, er, something or other helpful to Richard's cause.
Certainly don't see Buckingham as Blake, though. Edward, just possibly. George is probably the one who fits the universe best, though I can't immediately think of a direct match - hang on, Margaret is early Servalan, isn't she? Oh, I see, Tanja's suggested that one. Can't see Elizabeth Woodville, though. She's more of a woman from Paul Darrow's B7 universe.
Thinking about it, Blake and Richard seem a better match. Both accused of doing something nasty to little boys.
Harriet er... Jarriet