From: Ellynne G.
Ah, the B7 connection for the book "Murder with Puffins" rears its head. Neil, did they ever appear in a B7 episode? And were they working for or against Servalan?
Nope, no Puffins. A full list of birds heard can be found in the Sevencyclopaedia under 'Birds'.
And does this mean her black and white wardrobe hides an avian past, possibly connected with British bird song heard on numerous planets?
Puffins are both black and white simultaneously, whereas Servalan went from white to black. This suggests a pelage moult that ought to be seasonally related. However, if we consider the four seasons of B7 as being analogous to the four seasons of the year, starting with spring, we find her in white (winter) plumage for spring and summer and black (summer) plumage for autumn and winter.
I always knew there was something seriously out of synch about Servalan.