Although B7 is my favorite sci-fi show (yes, I'm occasionally an unreconstructed 11-year-old), I like Dr Who and have a lot of them on tape (off the air--they're still showing on PBS locally), as well as some of the under-appreciated "Sapphire and Steel." Also enjoyed some of Bab 5, especially the G'Car-Londo interplay. Can't figure out why I like the nonsense of S&S but not the nonsense of (the well-done, well-acted) X-Files. Hm. Perhaps because there's little danger that people will believe that "time can be stopped," but a great danger that people will (and do) believe that "aliens" have landed and that there is a government conspiracy to cover up that "fact."
On the other hand, I believe firmly in Brian the spider . . . ;-) Ann