Leah wrote:
In a message dated 3/8/01 8:27:26 AM Eastern Standard Time, Shame writes:
Evidently you can't spell. Or else that was a Freudian slip.
<< Frankly, Leah, at this point you're just shit-disturbing. You can
me if you like, but if you can judge a man by the quality of his enemies, well, I've had a look around Ashton Press' website and I've rung up some
my slash-reading friends, and I'd consider it an honour to be killfiled
by a
purveyor of sexually explicit fan art, which uses the likenesses of the principal B7 actors without their permission, with evidently no thought
the distress which it might cause them.<<
ROTFL!!! You're about a penny short and ten years too late to go around waving vague threats at me.
Vague threats? It was a statement.
The illustrations in question appeared in the early 90's, in the midst of a fan dispute far more daunting than your insignificant posturing, and there were no dire repercussions then. [why
do I suddenly find myself picturing Giroc?--SL] There
were, in fact, no repercussions at all for ANY adult fan art, explicit,
or otherwise, that ever appeared in a B7 fanzine.
What are you on about? A few people have mentioned a dispute in the early nineties in which slash artwork played a big role. But I don't care about that. I wasn't even _in_ fandom then; why should I? As usual, Leah, you've misunderstood completely.
The explicit pictures which I saw appear at http://hometown.aol.com/pelkiepet/socomfort.htm. I would assume that the zine itself contains somewhat more of same, would you care to confirm or deny this?
Ten years ago, there was no Internet, or not much of one anyway. Explicit fan art therefore must have had a fairly limited circulation, through snailmail and cons. Today, we have the Internet. Anybody who does a search for [insert character name]+art is going to come up against some pretty raunchy stuff. Which is why I said you should be careful-- not everybody finds fan porn acceptable, you know...
Were the actors aware of all of it? Why yes, they were.
Why bring the actors into it? I didn't mention them, and you should maybe take a look at Archive Message #44056 on the subject. But since you do mention them, in the past two weeks, several people, both pro and anti slash, have spoken out on the Lyst about how they personally, or people they know, find such artwork distasteful, or about why such pictures can be upsetting, or even damaging, to the actors, their families and their careers (e.g. Julia in #44065, 2001-02-28 23:05, Neil in #44228, 2001-03-01 22:40).
They said nothing
Which doesn't necessarily indicate that they were happy about it.
I'd never killfile you. It's too much fun when it's this easy.
"Avon, you were my only friend..." --Blake