In message 008d01c0b8a2$280e1c40$e535fea9@neilfaulkner, Neil Faulkner writes
No other episode violates the ambient ethos of B7 even half as much as this one. It is not B7 at all, it is the work of a hack writer with skiffy pretensions parasitising the series to get his name on television. I have no qualms whatsoever about excising it from my altercanon. I wouldn't do it with any other episode.
Dear James is a member of a usenet group I frequent. Fortunately he never asks the membership what they think of his work:-)
He did a radio SF series years ago, which my ex-boss was partial to, and suggested I listen to if I had the chance. It, alas, was one of the goodies that remained on the shelf in the BBC shop the other week - For some reason I couldn't quite bring myself to spend money on it...