Alison Page wrote:
Your point is very well taken Natasa, and perhaps sums up for me why I could never describe myself as a 'character junkie' because I simply don't enjoy reading passages like the imaginary one you gave.
Hmm. But this character junkie loathes that sort of thing, too. It totally distorts the character, for one thing.
On the other hand - who knows what people are like 'inside their heads'. I have a problem in that most of what I do inside is non-verbal, which is why I am so often groping for terms and names. However many linguistic philosophers claim that thought is entirely couched in verbal terms, and perhaps this is for them an accurate representation of how they experience their own internal life.
A lot of what goes on in my own head is verbal, because I'm an extremely verbal person. But some of the most important things that happen even in my own head are non-verbal, and I think that's going to be true for the characters, as well. And that's really hard to write. Sigh.