From: Dana Shilling
Neil said (good to hear from you again, BTW)
- No restrictions on budget.
Actually, I think that most of the interesting things in the show weren't affected by budget--I'd rather have more exploration of interesting moral issues than more stuff blown up
Who said anything about spending it all on bigger explosions. An unlimited budget can mean:
- shooting it all on film rather than videotape. - taking more time over filming, lighting, editing etc for a more polished final production. - better costumes, better sets (where the walls don't wobble) - spaceships that look like they're skimming through space, not dangling from piano wires - even the security robot might look halfway decent - proper starfields, rather than backlit pinpricks in black paper - location filming in locales more fitting to the episodes (which could be a whole discussion topic in itself) - bigger and better explosions, and more of them, lotsa them even, and .... oh bugger what a giveaway...