Mel Saxby wrote:
Animals does seem to be at the bottom of a lot of people's lists, mine included. The only scene I really like is the one where Avon bursts into Justin's base and boots a chair across the room, and then skids on a piece of debris on the floor.
And that apparently was a genuine blooper they left in.
I agree 100% with Marian about the glycolene ballast tank scene - the
two 'superior' Alphas ganging up on the convenient, easily bullied Delta.
hate Avon's behaviour in 'Animals', even though I know it mainly stems
the emotional difficulties he's going through at the time. That still
much of an excuse, and they can't even be bothered to thank Vila, or to
him a decent drink afterwards.
But when did anyone but Blake ever thank poor Vila, even after a rescue? It's no wonder Vila had emotional problems of his own. I'm amazed he didn't drink more than he did.