Sally Manton wrote:
BTW - has anyone any ideas *on* what Avon and Cally's little conversation meant? Why didn't Avon mention the signal from the ground? And while we're at it, why send the crew babies on this one?
Those are related, IMO, and it's sheer pragmatism on Avon's part. Tarrant and Dayna haven't proven their worth or their trustworthiness to Avon's satisfaction, so he's more willing to risk them than Cally and Vila at this point. If Dayna and Tarrant fail, he hasn't lost as much in the way of assets as if he lost Vila and Cally; if they succeed, they'll have earned their place on the ship. He didn't mention the signal because they might be more reluctant to go, and Cally might be reluctant to let them. Avon, however, has no plans to be a babysitter.