Marian de Haan wrote:
Steve Rogerson wrote:
Tanith scored 50 per cent, in that Sand was a good episode but
Sarcophagus was crap. However, I also note that some people have that the other way round. Puzzled.<
Definitely the other way round for me :-)
And Sally Manton added:
Ummm ... Sarcophagus wins on minor points for me. It's a bit silly but has several strong plusses; Sand is a lot silly, and has precious few little plusses (I have to admit, cutesy as Orac's "I love you" bit is, it almost ruins the whole thing for me all on its own.
Well, I love them both, Sarcophagus being the only Cally-posessed-story which bothered to tie this with character development and continuity (all of the scenes with Avon are definitely post-Children of Auron and post-Rumours), and Sand as the episode which offers Servalan a break from her usual villain-plots-demise-of-heroes routine and gives her many great scenes. My favourite is probably the one where she intimidates Investigator Reeves with nothing more than a glance. "There are no other woman like me." (And kudos to Jacqueline Pearce for making this line real!) Of course I'd have loved to have seen Avon instead of Tarrant on the planet with her but then to contrive an excuse why he doesn't kill her at the end would have really stretched imagination too far. In general, both "Sarcophagus" and "Sand" offer characters scenes for the women of the show, not something which happens too often. And the fantasy fan in me has no problem with both the resurrected Alien and the conscious sand. Last but not least, one more thing about "Sand": the opening scene, with Keller's voiceover and the pictures of Virn is imho the most eerie and atmospheric beginning of any B7 episode.