Shane said:
- Porn's a fun thing. So are cigarettes. So
is chocolate. But all three are addictive, and are best used in small doses. Well, cigarettes are literally addictive and seriously harmful, chocolate and porn are only figuratively addictive. And this rather rebuts your first point-- if you're going to enjoy porn or chocolate, you have to pace yourself and avoid overdosing.
Ah, but... supposing you work in an office where everyone eats a lot of chocolate? Gradually you start eating more and more too... and let's just hope you're smart enough to recognise how much is too much, and what's causing you to eat too much, or you're going to need to go on a serious slimming diet.
- Slash, however mild, only works if you
take it out of the context of the series, cause it's not canon. I think there's been a couple of threads on the subject of the distortion of the programme lately which have proved this more or less conclusively. I'd say it would be more accurate for you to say 'threads which I found very persuasive and well-argued.' It's difficult to have a vigorous discussion about slash on this list,
We have been managing it, though, and from the sound of it a long overdue one, especially, IMO, on the canonicity point.
"Avon, you were my only friend..." --Blake