It occurred to me that something similar could be
done on Lysator with the B7 episodes. Say every month we pick a B7 episode, and people who feel like talking about it, do. People don't have to go away and watch it, just read the script or make a few comments on what they remember about it or whatever, but it provides a common discussion point and B7-related activity for the Lyst.<<
This is what is happening on a board that I belong to, we discuss a new episode every week - we are just starting Cygnus Alpha, having done the previous two episodes - it is great, I think something like this would be great for here :-)
===== Cheryl. (My favourite 'Blake's 7' moment) What a fiasco! We could take over the ship you said, if I did my bit. Well, I did my bit, and what happened? Your 'troops' bumble around looking for someone to surrender to, and when they've succeeded, You, follow suit! (Avon to Blake. "Spacefall")
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