Leia wrote:
Following the discussion on Avon and Cally as parents my thoughts began to wander in the direction of the other crew members and what kind of parents they'd make.
Oh, an excellent job. I think you're spot on!
Would probably also expect the kid to take a lot of responsibility, perhaps by having a pet.
Would be undemonstrative and the kids could well not realise that dad really *was* concerned.
In fact, they would probably feel ignored or unloved. Though I can see Avon playing chess and other games with his kids when they were old enough, with no quarter given of course.
Would hover nervously outside during the delivery and ask twenty questions of anyone involved.
Because he'd probably come over all faint if he were in the delivery room!
Would be perfectly happy to spend loads and loads of time looking after and playing with and showing the kids stuff. Would make even more mess than the kids with toys and finger-paints and hopefully have a tolerant partner who'd complain and make him clean it up, but without getting cross with him. Wouldn't be too overprotective, but would probably spoil them rotten. The kids would probably turn out more well balanced than most of the rest of the crew's offspring.
Absolutely and totally agree. But what about Vila's 'profession'? Would he bring the kids up to be thieves too? Or let them make up their own minds. I can't see him actually discouraging them from a life of crime given his complete lack of shame and utter honesty about himself.
You're right. I think he'd be a very good partner and father.
I can see her as a single mother too, dispensing with the annoying cause of it all (unless the father was Blake!)
I think she'd also teach them unarmed combat, and bring them up to be independent, like herself.
Would be very ambitious for the kid and want him to be just like dad until the kid crashed his flyer into the garden, at which point he would rapidly change his mind and try to convince the kid that he should be much less reckless than dad. The kid wouldn't pay the blindest bit of notice of that and would end up racing space choppers or something while Tarrant turned into a nervous wreck.
...then find somewhere safe and with lots of countryside for the kids to play in.
What about Sarran? Lots of obliging natives for them to hunt!
Would be driven to distraction if her partner was broody or fussy over her during the pregnancy and would order him out of the delivery room in no uncertain terms. Actually I see her as the most likely to be a single mum. She'd be fiercely protective of her kids and god help anyone who tried to harm them.
Soolin's a hard one. I couldn't see her with kids at all, but I think you've nailed it.
And what sort of partners would they all make? Dare I go there?
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