Cheryl said: 'I don't think it is feasible to
expect every single individual to declare that they don't fancy the same sex just to prove that they are heterosexual - I think the fact that all the men on B7 having either declared an interest in the opposite sex and/or actually kissed or had sex with women only and no such declarations or actions occurred between the men, pretty much speaks for itself.'
Steve said:
No, what it does is leave it open to interpretation. It gives fanfic writers room to manoueuvre when exploring sexual relations between the characters and yet still staying within the boundaries of canon.
Slight misunderstanding here, I think. Cheryl has just said that there's no evidence for gay relationships between these characters within the canon. If that's the case, how can such scenes be "within the boundaries of canon?"
"Avon, you were my only friend..." --Blake