Dana Shilling:
I wonder, is every tarriel cell linked to every other, or is there some kind of networking/routing protocol?
Based on what we see in canon, it probably involves frequent application of laser probes, since nothing else works for five minutes without sticking a screwdriver into it.
Does this count as a thread hijack?
Hmm, but was the target of the laser probe always the tarriel cell, or was it some other inferior technology? Surely Ensor wouldn't be so sloppy as to produce a unit with a short shelf life?
Apart from which, can you imagine Orac's frustration?
"Yes, I'm getting the information now, no! It's gone. Bloody thing, hang on, found a new route. Yup, that's.... no! that one's blown too! Who makes these things anyway?"
Actually, it raises another interesting point; I wonder if tarriel cells were based on light?