At 15:50 14-3-01 +0000, Tavia wrote:
In her original post, Kathryn asked for feedback, which usually -- but not always -- means that the person wishes to hear differing views.
No problems there.
The idea of annual introductions was only a *suggestion* (and one I seem to recall someone else making previously).
I have no trouble with suggestions, as long as I can then let you know how I feel about them.
Even if implemented, no-one would be under any onus to say anything more about themselves than they felt comfortable with.
It's not the talking about myself that bothers me (hell, I'm doing it now, right?). As I said previously, my main problem is with being told when and what to post. When Space City still existed, I did post something during the roll call. But I was kicked off anyway, because I was replying to something else and ignored the roll call itself.
Being on the lyst is fun. Being told what to do and when to do it aren't fun. For me, it's that simple.