Louise wrote:
But at least the damn things only take photos if you _are_ speeding. Be grateful for our toll-free roads. On the French autoroutes, they can issue you with a speeding ticket if you get from one toll booth to the next too quickly, which means they must routinely register which vehicles go through and when.
Depends on how they do it. When I leave a car park, I surrender a time-stamped card. Has nothing to do with the vehicle I entered in, just what time I did so.
Personally, I've quite liked the idea of the tolls/speeding fines. If you *know* that you can't get off without being done for speeding, why bother to do so?
Slightly closer to B7, Alan Moore, when writing V For Vendetta, wanted to make his future sinister. He too used video cameras, and he too was disgusted when they turned up and were accepted far earlier than the setting of his comic book.