excerpt from article by Paul Darrow in the official telemovie newsletter
******** Of course, attractive and acceptable actors would need to be found to recreate the, 'Seven', because, wouldn't you know, the originals had been killed off in the last of four series in 1980/1981. Except for one ... the character of Avon. Played by, as luck would have it, Paul Darrow. (Score one advantage point!)
Further, Paul Darrow ... who once considered Drac Tarquin as a possible stage name - but that's another story - was a close friend of Terry Nation (now sadly departed) and Terry had confided that he would, at some time, like a TV Movie to made of his creation and had indicated a basic storyline. (Two advantage points!)
It was decided that a telephone call to Mrs. Kate Nation ... now living in California USA ... should be made to ascertain her willingness for a TV Movie to be made and, of course, to secure her support for same. Needless to say, she was delighted and enthusiastic and, subject to the project remaining faithful to Terry's ideal, would be willing to allow Messrs Sewell, Lighthill and Darrow to proceed. (Three advantage points!) **************** more info at
which IMO is the world's coolest URL ever. :->
darren r
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