Ellynne G. said:
- It has to be stated to one of the Auron leaders that Cally's sister is
genetically identical, so nonclone siblings are common enough cloning is not assumed but certainly not so uncommon that Cally and Zelda's relation creates surprises.
Well, lots of stuff has to be infodumped to Jenna that presumably she would know.
Right at this point, it seems more likely that Cally and Zelda were not necessarily clones in the sense of Dolly but that they were artificially created twins (compared to actual cloning, it's much simpler to do this with a fertilized egg cell) being raised by their biological parents. We can assume _biological_ parents because the image the stone threw at Cally was based not on her memories but on stone's image of her.
Actually I think they retconned the whole cloning bit after Harvest of Kairos was made.
- While Servalan expresses surprise that Frantor is the normal,
biological child of her father, I think Servalan's idea of family values is distorted enough that we could discount most of it in relation to her own culture [,,,]In relation to a foreign, isolationist culture she's had no contact with except for one rebel, it can be dismissed without supporting evidence.
But Servalan wouldn't have to depend on her own personal knowledge of Auron; presumably there would be generally known information, plus the briefing books she would receive as Supreme Commander.
Collective care centers beat some of the options, but they shouldn't be a society's first choice on how to raise large numbers of its population given alternatives.
Assuming for the sake of argument that the nuclear family is the best way to raise children, Auron might still adopted an inferior alternative.
And do Auronar
think of Terran h-saps as the same species, a related species, a different species?
There's evidence of genetic similarity, but how much anyone's willing to admit to it seems to vary from episode to episode.
Avon and Cally have a fair number of children in fanfic, but I'm not sure that Auronar and Terran h.sapiens are interfertile.