Una wrote: <To be honest, I'm now convinced I've wandered into some sort of bizarre alternate universe, like the crossover episodes in DS9, or those episodes from Buffy. It's gone just freaky round here.>
I am (effectively) signing off for about 7-8 weeks to go on holidays on the other side of the world (I predict that 10 minutes after the plane takes off from Singapore, I'll be yelling 'turn back I forgot something!!!'): while I will get to Internet cafes at odd times to check into the web archive, you will have to put up with far less of me in far shorter bursts (no cheering at the back there - hey, and no cheering at the front, either!)
As I would *really really* like to see each and every one of you still here and happy when I get back, you better start playing nice *now*.
Discussions on Our Heroes behaving badly are much more *fun*, people ... trust me. BTW, given that in the age of space flight Immmigration and Customs appear to be a lost cause, can anyone think *of* any way individual planets would control visiting rights (this is speaking as someone whose travel documents weigh a ton :-)).
Seriously, I'll miss my daily fix, and all of you take care.
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