At 08:42 AM 2/21/01 +0000, Neil Faulkner wrote:
As for trivialisation of serious subjects (to call them 'intelligent' smacks of elitism to me), I hope I've clarified myself on this one.
Not clear enough for a funster like myself, I'm afraid. Can you reiterate, using smaller words and shorter sentences?
There are serious threads and there are silly threads, and it would be nice of the funster bunch to show a bit of respect and let us earnest types have a serious discussion once in a while. It's only polite.
Let he who is without frivolous posts (which data are available via the searchable web archive) cast the first flame.
(Can't think of *anything* ObB7, but I just went and read the Lyst FAQ and it says "One or two or a small handful of off-topic posts I won't complain about" so I'm cool, bless the letter of the law) -- "Fighting for the Federation, Hand in hand we'll conquer space..."