Neil Faulkner wrote:
From: Mistral
Besides, TWB comes first and hence takes canonical precedence.
That seems backwards. What about retconning? I've known shows to slip something in later that turns what the audience thought it knew on its head, yet does it in such a way that everything still makes perfectly logical sense.
Surely that requires careful planning, if not forethought, on the part of the scriptwriters so as not to violate existing canon? Whereas contradictions between episodes come from different writers each going their own separate ways, or even a single writer cheerfully ignoring what s/he wrote in an earlier episode?
Yes, a good retcon would require some thought. But there are other occasions in which what comes later is an improvement over what went before it, so (even not playing the game) I might be inclined to view later changes as additional information or revisions, rather than errors, and view canon through the lens of the revision (especially if later eps adhere to the revision).
I'm not arguing against you seeing earlier material as definitive if you want to, just wondering if this is always the case, or if you only apply this rule to B7?